3 Simple Ways to Boost Road Repairs

road repair

Road Repairs are Vital

to our daily lives. Roads get us to where we need to go, transport goods, and connect us with one another. However, asphalt maintenance is a constant challenge. Potholes, cracks, and other damages can develop over time due to various factors, including weather conditions, heavy traffic, and improper maintenance.

Neglecting road repairs can severely affect our vehicles, transportation, and safety. Potholes and other road damage can cause accidents, traffic congestion, and increased fuel consumption, leading to higher costs for drivers and the community.

Pothole repair and asphalt maintenance are ongoing challenges for municipalities and departments of transportation (DOTs). Two leading forms of asphalt in the industry are used in pothole repair and road maintenance: hot mix asphalt and cold patch asphalt. But the third option is faster, stronger, safer, and 70 million years older than the rest: natural asphalt.

Natural asphalt, like RockAsphalt©, isn’t just durable, reliable, and clean. Organizations are using it to fix their roads as often as they need with the reinforcement that their repairs will last. Using natural asphalt reduces liabilities and risks associated with manufactured asphalt. Let’s look at how RockAsphalt© can boost your road repairs in three simple ways.

1. RockAsphalt© Combines Durability with All-Weather Usability

Hot mix asphalt has been the preferred material for permanent road repairs due to its durability. However, its weather restrictions force public works departments to rely on temporary, manufactured cold patches to keep up with road repairs when the temperature drops.

RockAsphalt© gives you a permanent solution that works in any weather. In wet and sub-zero temperatures, it keeps its material stability and bond. Natural asphalt repair remains workable and reliable in snow, heat, and rain — while manufactured mixes don’t.

And because of our material’s industry-leading durability, there’s no more waiting on warmer weather to start your more significant road repair projects that would require a hot mix.

2. There’s No Need for Special Equipment or Training

No special tools or training are needed to use RockAsphalt©. The high-purity bitumen binder released by natural asphalt on compaction forms a permanent bond, unlike manufactured asphalt, which relies on chemical solvents. It never drains or strips away like other asphalts. With our 100% VOC-free natural asphalt, you can create long-lasting repairs by throwing it on the road and rolling it in place.

100% VOC Free

Most leading asphalt brands have a VOC of 1-2%. But RockAsphalt© has a VOC of less than .00001%. (Low enough to legally be considered “VOC free”) making our road repair material the most environmentally friendly asphalt repair available and we have the independent test results to prove it.

3. Use Bulk Asphalt for Large-Scale Pothole Repairs

Resealable Bulk Asphalt Supersacks

Bulk asphalt offers several advantages, making it cost-effective and efficient for large projects. Purchasing asphalt in bulk reduces loading and unloading times, which increases operational efficiency. For large projects, bulk asphalt is typically the ideal choice.

However, the problem with bulk asphalt is storage. Although most bulk cold patch asphalt is meant to be stored outside, changes in temperature and high humidity affect the performance of the material.

We know big projects need bulk asphalt. That’s why we developed a 2400lbs resealable Supersack of RockAsphalt© to ensure your asphalt isn’t exposed to the elements and you have as much asphalt as you need when you need it.

Take the Easy Route with RockAsphalt© for Road Repairs

RockAsphalt© doesn’t require any special equipment or training for application — paving the way to Easy Street. For all-weather asphalt repairs, throw and roll. By compounding bitumen-impregnated limestone rocks, you get a permanent bond.


Asphalt maintenance is a tough job. Using the right materials, techniques, and strategies makes it easier. Get better road performance and durability with RockAsphalt©.

Revolutionary Asphalt Repair Like You’ve Never Seen

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