Asphalt Calculator RequirementsLength (Feet)Width (Feet)Depth (Inches)Bags RequiredTotal Volume RequiredPallets of Bags RequiredTotes RequiredCurrent CostsWhat product is the prospect currently used?(Required)Generic Cold MixEZ StreetQPRPermaPatchAquaphaltPrice Paid Per Ton (or Estimated Price)(Required)Shipping Cost Per Ton(Required)TonsRockAsphalt BreakdownHiddenGeneric Cold Mix 1HiddenGeneric Cold Mix 2HiddenGeneric Cold Mix 3HiddenGeneric Cold Mix 4HiddenGeneric Cold Mix 5HiddenEZ Street 1HiddenEZ Street 2HiddenEZ Street 3HiddenEZ Street 4HiddenEZ Street 5HiddenQPR 1HiddenQPR 2HiddenQPR 3HiddenQPR 4HiddenQPR 5HiddenPerma-Patch 1HiddenPerma-Patch 2HiddenPerma-Patch 3HiddenPerma-Patch 4HiddenPerma-Patch 5HiddenAquaphalt 1HiddenAquaphalt 2HiddenAquaphalt 3HiddenAquaphalt 4HiddenAquaphalt 5HiddenRockAsphalt 1HiddenRockAsphalt 2HiddenRockAsphalt 3HiddenRockAsphalt 4HiddenRockAsphalt 5Additional Area % Covered Per Pound vs Cold MixAdditional Area % Covered Per Pound vs EZ StreetAdditional Area % Covered Per Pound vs QPRAdditional Area % Covered Per Pound vs Perma-PatchAdditional Area % Covered Per Pound vs AquaphaltIn Other Words, 2000 Pounds Of RockAsphalt Fills The Same Potholes As the following Pounds ofGeneric Cold MixIt’s how many potholes that get fixed that matters, not how much a material weighs.In Other Words, 2000 Pounds Of RockAsphalt Fills The Same Potholes As the following Pounds of EZ StreetIt’s how many potholes that get fixed that matters, not how much a material weighs.In Other Words, 2000 Pounds Of RockAsphalt Fills The Same Potholes As the following Pounds of QPRIt’s how many potholes that get fixed that matters, not how much a material weighs.In Other Words, 2000 Pounds Of RockAsphalt Fills The Same Potholes As the following Pounds of Perma-PatchIt’s how many potholes that get fixed that matters, not how much a material weighs.In Other Words, 2000 Pounds Of RockAsphalt Fills The Same Potholes As the following Pounds of AquaphaltIt’s how many potholes that get fixed that matters, not how much a material weighs.So To Cover The Same Area/Volume As 100 Tons of Generic Cold Mix, It Takes:If verification is requested, direct them to the competitor’s online job calculator to compareSo To Cover The Same Area/Volume As 100 Tons of EZ Street, It Takes:If verification is requested, direct them to the competitor’s online job calculator to compareSo To Cover The Same Area/Volume As 100 Tons of QPR, It Takes:Tons of RockAsphaltSo To Cover The Same Area/Volume As 100 Tons of Perma-Patch, It Takes:Tons of RockAsphaltSo To Cover The Same Area/Volume As 100 Tons of Aquaphalt, It Takes:Tons of RockAsphaltThe Reason Being That Each Cubic Yard Of Generic Cold Mix Weighs:More Pounds Than A Cubic Yard Of RockAsphalt The Reason Being That Each Cubic Yard Of EZ Street Weighs:More Pounds Than A Cubic Yard Of RockAsphalt The Reason Being That Each Cubic Yard Of QPR Weighs:More Pounds Than A Cubic Yard Of RockAsphalt The Reason Being That Each Cubic Yard Of Perma-Patch Weighs:More Pounds Than A Cubic Yard Of RockAsphalt The Reason Being That Each Cubic Yard Of Aquaphalt Weighs:More Pounds Than A Cubic Yard Of RockAsphalt That means that your Required Tons of Generic Cold Mix Covers Only:Cubic YardsThat means that your Required Tons of EZ Street Covers Only:Cubic YardsThat means that your Required Tons of QPR Covers Only:Cubic YardsThat means that your Required Tons of Perma-Patch Covers Only:Cubic YardsThat means that your Required Tons of Aquaphalt Covers Only:Cubic YardsWith Your Selected Tons of RockAsphalt Covers The Following Cubic Yards:Hot mix is sold by the cubic yard and so is RockAsphalt — it’s fair, flat pricing.How does RockAsphalt Compare on Shipping?HiddenTexasHiddenZone 1HiddenZone 2HiddenZone 3HiddenZone 4HiddenZone 5HiddenZone 6Click the map icon to identify your Shipping Zone and select below:TexasZone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5Zone 6Current Price For A Cubic Yard Of Generic Cold Mix:Current Price For A Cubic Yard Of EZ Street:Current Price For A Cubic Yard Of QPR:Current Price For A Cubic Yard Of Perma-Patch:Current Price For A Cubic Yard Of Aquaphalt:RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Texas (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 1 (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 2 (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 3 (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 4 (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 5 (Shipping Included):RockAsphalt Price Per Cubic Yard For Zone 5 (Shipping Included):Current Cost Per Year For Selected Product:The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix TexasThe Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 1The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 2The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 3The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 4The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 5The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Generic Cold Mix Zone 6The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street TexasThe Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 1The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 2The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 3The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 5The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 4The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: EZ Street Zone 6The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR TexasThe Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 1The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 2The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 3The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 4The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 5The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: QPR Zone 6The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch TexasThe Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 1The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 2The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 3The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 4The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 5The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Perma-Patch Zone 6The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt TexasThe Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 1The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 2The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 3The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 4The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 5The Price Of RockAsphalt Per Year To Fill The Exact Same Potholes: Aquaphalt Zone 6Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix TexasTotal Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 1Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 2Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 3Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 4Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 5Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Generic Cold Mix Zone 6Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street TexasTotal Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 1Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 2Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 3Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 4Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 5Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? EZ Street Zone 6Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR TexasTotal Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 1Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 2Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 3Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 4Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 5Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? QPR Zone 6Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch TexasTotal Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 1Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 2Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 3Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 4Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 5Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Perma-Patch Zone 6Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt TexasTotal Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 1Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 2Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 3Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 4Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 5Total Cost To Switch To A Superior Pavement Patch? Aquaphalt Zone 6Send To: