Upgrading Asphalt Pothole Repairs
Asphalt pothole repairs come in many shapes, forms, and levels of difficulty. From the simple asphalt crack to the sinister sinkhole, no road escapes damages forever. Traffic and weather are sure to wreak their havoc on your roadways in one way or another.
Cracks, potholes, and other damages can quickly accumulate and create unsafe surfaces for drivers and pedestrians alike. With the constant need to maintain safe driving conditions, you could say asphalt pothole repairs tend to slip through the cracks.
However, there are some crucial strategies that could drastically improve your asphalt pothole repairs and keep your roads smooth year-round.
Make Lasting Asphalt Pothole Repairs in Winter
Winter weather can be especially harsh on asphalt roads, causing further damages from snow removal, salt corrosion, and freeze/thaw cycles.
There’s a common misconception that cold weather means using cold patch asphalt. It’s how winter road maintenance has been done for decades, so it’s understandable why municipalities continue to do so when temperatures drop.
Cold patch asphalt is only a temporary fix, often causing more problems and failed patches than it does solutions. To prevent these issues from occurring in the first time, using materials that create permanent repairs, not patches—even during winter months—is essential.
RockAsphalt© allows you to fill potholes quickly and easily, even in the harshest conditions. This assures that your winter road repairs lasts, meaning less work and less headaches come pothole season.
Don’t Wait for the Worst
Be proactive in your asphalt pothole repairs. Potholes can cause a variety of problems if left unattended too long. They become bigger, deeper, and more damaging over time.
This is often the case as potholes aren’t reported until they’ve become problematic. The underlying issue here is the traditional process of asphalt pothole repairs, but we’ll get to that a little later.
Regardless, it’s always best to perform road maintenance at the first sign of trouble. The reality of heavy traffic and harsh weather only make your repairs more challenging the longer you wait.
With RockAsphalt© you can quickly and easily fill a pothole in minutes with no special training or skills needed. This means that you don’t have to wait until the call comes in to repair any damages on your roads; instead you can make asphalt pothole repairs as soon as they arise!
Your work phone, road crew, and citizens will thank you later.
Adopt the RockAsphalt© Process
What do your asphalt pothole repairs look like? Do you take time out of your day to find material at a hardware store, only to find that they’re out of stock?
Maybe your crew is ready to work, but your pothole repair machinery isn’t. The truth is there are tons of variables that could affect your asphalt pothole repairs.
Every road crew already has a process for asphalt pothole repairs, but making it simpler can also make it much more efficient. RockAsphalt© allows municipalities to lessen the time and effort it takes to make asphalt pothole repairs.
Unlike traditional methods which require specialized equipment and multiple workers to complete repairs effectively, the RockAsphalt© process allows you to turn any utility vehicle into a one man pothole repair machine!
This means fewer workers needed onsite at any given time which results in greater efficiency for your crew as well as reduced costs and effort overall!
Upgrading Asphalt Pothole Repairs
Keeping up with asphalt road repairs is no simple task but with the right material, techniques, and strategies, it can be made easier.
By using materials that will create permanent repairs even during winter months; being proactive about repairs by filling potholes quickly; and taking advantage of the RockAsphalt© process—you can ensure that your asphalt roads are always safe for drivers and pedestrians alike!
Whether you’re part of a public works department or maintain residential roads independently—these three simple steps will help make sure that your asphalt road repairs are completed properly each time!